yes, 1 neg. + 1 pos. = neg. 2 neg. = pos.
It is 5x2 - 20
neg 2 and two thirds -2 2/3 in a mixed number the neg sign is for both the whole number and the fraction
2 x (-6) = -12
use the rules for multiplying integers.Pos times pos equals posneg times neg equals pos neg times pos or pos times neg equals negand keep in mind that a negative exponent turns positive by using the recipricol (changing it to a fraction)(8 2)-2 = 82*-2 = 8-4 = 1/84 = 1/8*8*8*8 = 1/4096(8 2)-2 = (8 . 8) -2 = 64-2 = 1/642 = 1/64*64 = 1/4096Hope this answers your question
25. a neg times a neg equals a pos.
Neg Dupree is 5' 11".
There's no general rule. The result could be positive and it could also be negative. It depends on how big both numbers are. (neg 5) minus (neg 7) = pos 2 (neg 5) minus (neg 3) = neg 2
it might be o neg or a,b,o,a neg and posi,b neg and posi
neg 22 because a neg minus a neg u add them and make it negative
Depends how many ears it has 1 - MABEY 2 - MABEY 3 - YES 4 - YES 5 - NO
yes, 1 neg. + 1 pos. = neg. 2 neg. = pos.
Neg 5
Negative 160!
NEG Micon was created in 1997.
Sise-Neg was created in 1974.