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Q: What is a 3 digit number that can be read upside down and is the same number when right side up?
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How many two-digit counting number that looks the same upside down as right-side up?

11 and 88

What digit increases by 50 percent when viewed upside down?

The number 6

When you round a number which digit in the number helps you decide to round down?

The digit immediately to the right of your target.

How do you change IX into a 6?

Convert to Arabic number (IX = 9) and turn the digit upside down (6).

When you round a number which digit in the number helps you decide to round up or to round down?

The digit immediately to the right of the one you are rounding to.

When you round a number helps you decide to round up or round down?

The digit immediately to the right of your target.

What is 29.477778 rounded to the nearest whole number?

To the nearest whole number is to the nearest unit which is the digit before the decimal point. The digit to its right (the one after the decimal point) is used to decide whether to round up or down: if it is 0-4 it rounds down, otherwise it is 5-9 and rounds up: With 29.477778 the digit to the right of the units digit is 4, so it rounds down: 29.477778 → 29

What is bigger when it is upside down?

The number 6. When you flip 6 upside-down it's 9.

What is larger when upside down?

The number 6. When 6 is turned upside down, it becomes 9. 9>6.

Why is the number five on the thunderbird jet upside down?

because it spends most of its time upside down in the air

What increases in value when turned upside down?

the number 6