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The 4 8 time signature indicates that there a four beats per measure and each beat is an eighth note.

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Q: What is a 4 8 time signature?
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Is 8/4 a time signature used in music?

No, 8/4 is not a common time signature used in music. The most common time signatures are 4/4, 3/4, and 6/8.

What is the time signature of line dance?

It is in common time or 4/4 time

What time signature is Viva La Vida by Coldplay?

I'm thinking 4/4 time, it seems pretty even to me.

How can I convert the tempo from 4/4 to 6/8 bpm?

To convert the tempo from 4/4 to 6/8 bpm, you can multiply the bpm of the 4/4 time signature by 3/2. This will give you the equivalent bpm for the 6/8 time signature.

How do you count 12/8 time signature in music?

In 12/8 time signature, you count 4 groups of 3 eighth notes each.

Can you provide an example of a musical piece written in a 4/8 time signature?

An example of a musical piece written in a 4/8 time signature is the song "Money" by Pink Floyd.

What time signature is March of the Pigs written in?

'"March of the Pigs" has an unusual meter, alternating three bars of 7/8 time with one bar of 4/4 time (in effect, a 29/8 time signature).'

Which sign can be used instead of 4 4 time signature?

C, or common time.

What time signature contains a four as the top number?

A 4 at the top of a time signature indicates that there are 4 beats in the bar of what ever the bottom number is in the time signature. For example in 4/4 times there is 4 quarter note beats. In 4/8 there is 4 eighth note beats.

Is 8/8 a time signature used in music?

No, 8/8 is not a common time signature used in music.

What is the time signature of la jota moncadena?

its time signature is 3/4

What is the time signature of Semper Fidelis?

It has a time signature of 6/8.