It's called a Semicentennial.
How to get 739,652 as the answer what is the number that has 652 in the ones period and 739 in the thousands period? to the right of the comma is ones period to the left is thousands period
The "name" of the period.
The frequency is the reciprocal of the period. In other words, divide 1 by the period. If the period is in seconds, the frequency is in hertz.
it isn't a period it is a comma.
Change in velocity = Velocity at the end of the period minus velocity at the start of the period.
Can they? Of course. Is it common? Not very, but if they are fit and have practiced, they can.
I dont think its right because the 19 year old is still under age....
50year ago bigger car, gallon of gas cost, roads were narrow and roughly, It take time to go from here to there.
that all depends on how old YOU are eg: 17year old with a 34 year old NO WAY 50year old with a 67 year old that is fine.
There are many animals that have gone extinct in the last 50 years, some only in the last 10 years. These include the western black rhinoceros, ivory-billed woodpecker, dusky seaside sparrow, and the Mexican grizzly bear.
To get hot on a cold day, simly put on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 layers of sweaters, jumpers, scarves, poncho's or cardigans. And if you are not an energy saver, just put on a heater. Be a 50year old lady with hot flashes!?! LOL!!!
The Triassic Period preceded the Jurassic Period in the geologic timescale.
1st period -Formative Period 2nd period-International Period 3rd period -National Period 4th period -World Music Period
The period after the Devonian Period (416 to 359.2Ma) is the Carboniferous Period (359.2 to 299Ma).
There are many famous periods in Japanese History. * Edo Period * Meiji Period * Jomon Period * Yayoi Period * Kofun Period * Nara Period
early period
The Silurian period followed the Ordovician period.