The "quarter" in this case means a quarter hour, so that is the same as 2:15.The "quarter" in this case means a quarter hour, so that is the same as 2:15.The "quarter" in this case means a quarter hour, so that is the same as 2:15.The "quarter" in this case means a quarter hour, so that is the same as 2:15.
a quarter of 35
4:45 ; Quarter to 5 5:15 ; Quarter past 5
825 I think A quarter of 8 is 2. A quarter till 8 is 7:45. A quarter past 8 is 8:15. A quarter plus 8 is 8 1/4. A quarter minus 8 is -7 3/4. A quarter divided by 8 is 1/32.
It is: 720p and 5% of 720p is 36p
1/4P(x=4) = 3/36P(x=8) = 5/36P(x=12) = 1/36P(4 U 6 U 12) = P(4) + P(8) + P(12) = 9/36 = 1/4
1 pound 87p
36 pence, price of a first class stamp.
20p + 10p + 5p + 1p = 36p
The one digit prime numbers are 2, 3, 5 and 7. The probabilities of getting these numbers are as follows:P(X=2) = 1/36P(X=3) = 2/36P(X=5) = 4/36P(X=7) = 6/36Adding these probabilities up, the probability that Randy will roll one of these numbers is 13/36.
The cost of the Bread in England was 36p in 1997