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a spring balance

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Q: What is a balance that measures weight?
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What does a balanced scale measure?

A balance scale measures weight, but not in pounds or ounces, it measures in grams. A balance scale measures relative weight, weight relative to another object rather than definite weight.

What is a difference between a balance and a graduated cylinder?

The cylinder measures volume, the balance measures weight.

What is an double pan balance?

Something that measures weight.

What is the difference between triple beam balance and spring balance?

A spring scale measures weight while a triple beam balance measures mass.

What is the difference between the triple beam balance and spring balance?

A spring scale measures weight while a triple beam balance measures mass.

What measures a heavy object?

You can use an adequate balance for this weight.

What measures the weight of an object?

a triple beam balance or a scale

What instrument measures the weight of a cookie?

a three-beam balance

Balance scale is used to measure what?

A balance scale is used to measure the mass or weight of an object by comparing it to known weights on the other side of the scale. It works on the principle of equilibrium, where the weights on each side balance out when the mass is equal.

What you trying to find mass what do you use?

A balance scale measures mass. A scale measures weight.

What spring scale use for?

It Measures force. Which is often 'weight'. A balance scale technically measures mass.

What instrument measures the weight of a large bag of dog food?

pan balance