In the hex editor there are sixteen hex digits (0 to 9, A to F) and each one represents four bits. Two hex digits represent a byte, which can have a value from 00 to FF. This kind of notation is universally used in computing.
A 4-bit nibble has 2^4 = 16 possible representations and we can symbolise any one of these representations using just one hexadecimal (base 16) digit.
assuming that the full stops break up the binary numbers: Binary 1000100 = Hex 44 Binary 11010010 = Hex D2 Binary 1000011 = Hex 43 Binary 10110011 = Hex B3
To remove and replace floating caliper mounting bolts. 3/8" and 8mm hex bits are used for General Motors vehicles. 7mm and 1/4" hex bit are used for Ford. 2003-2006 Ford Expedition use the 7MM hex bit. 7MM hex bit does not work on a 2006 Expedition. Looks like it requires a 9MM, the only one that is not included in my hex set. On a 2006 Expedition Limited, the front calipers use a 9MM hex bit while the rear calipers use a 7MM hex bit.
Hexadecimal is used whenever we want to notate a binary value because each hex digit maps directly with each 4 bit nybble (half a byte). A 64-bit binary value can therefore be reduced to a more concise 16-digit hex value.
i would say you are referring to a small tool, which couples a bit (such as a hex bit, or philips screwdriver bit) to a socket (such as a 3/8" drive socket), so the bit coud then be used with a ratcheting handle.
Actually it is not a Torx bit -- it is a hex. I believe it is the largest one usually included with Hex sets.
On most 2006 Expeditions, the front calipers use a 9MM hex bit while the rear calipers use a 7MM hex bit. 9mm hex bits are not easy to find as singles and will usually only be found as part of large metric hex bit sets. .
I used a 7mm hex bit socket. Worked fine, but the tool was a little hard to find. the 7mm hex key does not typically come in a L-key set.
A drill bit with a hex shaft rather than a round one.
Hex, or Allen screwdrivers are for screwing and unscrewing Allen head screws.
The Hurling Hex is used on a witch's/wizard's broom and causes it to try to hurl the rider off.
3/8" hex bit socket
3/8" hex bit socket.