The shortest distance between two points is a line, or a line segment. If you have two points, and you know they are part of a line, you can connect them with a line.
A segment between two points on a circle is
A point is a single spot in space. A line is the connection between two points. A plane is the space made up between three or more lines. A plane has infinite lines and therefore infinite points.
The length of a straight line between those two points.
The Length of a path between two points is known as distance.
Distance is the path between two points.
A short curcuit is a low-resistance connection established by accident or intention between two points in an electric circuit.
A straight line is the shortest distance between two points, a line is the delineation of a connection between two or more points.
Power Surge
a short
A short, or short circuit.
Circut Switching
Circuit switching
Power Surge
Joints are points of connection between bones. Ligaments are points of connection between tissue and bone.
A point is a coordinate on an axis. A line is the connection between two points. A plane is the object of perspective that points and lines lie on.
short or short circuit