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A shape in which every line/edge is not the same length


A shape in which every angle is not equal

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Q: What is a definition for a irregular shape?
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What is the definition of a irregular shape?

a shape that has no equal sides.

What is the definition of irregular?

Not even or balanced in shape or arrangement. Different to something.Example: An irregular heartbeat

What does a irregular square look like?

There is no such thing. A square is, by definition, a 'regular' shape.

Is trapezium an irregular shape?

In the United States, yes its very definition is a general irregular quadrilateral. However, outside the U.S., its the same thing as a trapezoid and there are regular and irregular trapezoids.

How do you get the square of an irregular shape?

A square is not an irregular shape and conversely. So the square of an irregular shape cannot exist.A square is not an irregular shape and conversely. So the square of an irregular shape cannot exist.A square is not an irregular shape and conversely. So the square of an irregular shape cannot exist.A square is not an irregular shape and conversely. So the square of an irregular shape cannot exist.

What is ameba shape?

Amoeba have irregular shapes. The definition says it is shapeless. It was first named after the god Proteus who could change his shape.

What is an irregular shape called?

An irregular shape!

What is the shape of the irregular galaxy?

Irregular - that's where they get their name from.

What shape do irregular have?

Irregular what

What is the definition of an irregular volume?

An irregular volume is one that has no simple equation to describe it's shape. An example would be a cylinder with a cone on it's end. The shape can often be divided into two or more regular shapes which have known equations that describe them. In this case, a cylinder and a cone. To then find the total volume of the irregular shape, you sum the volumes of the individual regular shape volumes.

Definition of irregular volume?

An irregular volume is something and anything that no one can actually measure. An example of this is a cylinder with a cone as its end; a complex equation is needed just to describe the shape that it has.

What is regular and irregular shape?

regular shape is a shape that has same sides irregular shape is a shape that has diffrent sides