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A frequency diagram!

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Q: What is a diagram that shows the frequency of data?
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What diagram shows the frequency data?


Which graphic display shows the median and data spread about the median?

A frequency diagram or, for grouped data, an histogram.

What shows the number of items within an interval that appear in a data set?

A frequency diagram.

What is the graph that shows how many times an event occurred?

A frequency diagram.

Which graph shows how data are spread out?

A scatter diagram.

What could you use if you want to show the frequency of each number within a data set?

A frequency diagram.

Is a tool that graphically shows the flow of data in a system?

data flow diagram (DFD)

When is line diagram more appropriate than a frequency polygon?

For ungrouped data.

What is a frequency Diagram?

A frequency diagram means of displaying raw data in a graphical form that is easier to interpret. Commonly used frequency diagrams are bar charts, histograms, pie charts, and scatter diagrams.

What do line plots show?

Shows Frequency In A Set Of Data With X's.

Why can't you calculate the frequency of the wave in a diagram?

Frequency cannot be directly calculated from a waveform diagram because it shows the amplitude of the wave varying over time, rather than the frequency. Frequency requires information on the time it takes for the wave to complete a full cycle, which is not easily inferred from a waveform diagram alone.

What is cumolative frequency curve?

A cumulative frequency curve is a graph that shows the cumulative frequency of a data set. This type of graph can present data, such as medians and quartiles. Another name for this curve is an Ogive.