A frequency diagram or, for grouped data, an histogram.
A scatter diagram.
Line Plot
To find the modal group in a back-to-back stem-and-leaf diagram, you need to look for the group with the highest frequency on both sides of the diagram. This group represents the mode for the data set. The mode is the value that appears most frequently in the data. In a back-to-back stem-and-leaf diagram, the modal group will be the one with the highest frequency on both sides of the stem.
A diragram that shows the inside and outside of an object.
A frequency diagram or, for grouped data, an histogram.
A frequency diagram.
A frequency diagram.
A scatter diagram.
A frequency diagram.
data flow diagram (DFD)
For ungrouped data.
A frequency diagram means of displaying raw data in a graphical form that is easier to interpret. Commonly used frequency diagrams are bar charts, histograms, pie charts, and scatter diagrams.
Shows Frequency In A Set Of Data With X's.
Frequency cannot be directly calculated from a waveform diagram because it shows the amplitude of the wave varying over time, rather than the frequency. Frequency requires information on the time it takes for the wave to complete a full cycle, which is not easily inferred from a waveform diagram alone.
A cumulative frequency curve is a graph that shows the cumulative frequency of a data set. This type of graph can present data, such as medians and quartiles. Another name for this curve is an Ogive.