A doubtful Digit is the space between the lines of a measuring tool
the unit digit is the last digit from left or ones digit
The 37th digit is 4The 37th digit after the decimal point is 1.The 37th digit is 4The 37th digit after the decimal point is 1.The 37th digit is 4The 37th digit after the decimal point is 1.The 37th digit is 4The 37th digit after the decimal point is 1.
The hundreds digit is 2; the tens digit is 5; the ones digit is 8; the tenths digit is 1; the hundredths digit is 7; the thousandths digit is 6.
doubtful, suspect
1-9 only has 1 digit, 10+ has two digits.
Accurately known digits along with first doubtful digit are called significant figures.
More doubtful, most doubtful moister, moistest
The prefix for doubtful is "un-."
more doubtful, most doubtful more wooden, most wooden
« Can I answer this question ? » wondered the contributor, in a doubtful manner.
I am sure that Michael is doubtful of this.
The root word of doubtful is "doubt."
An evil man is always doubtful. Without a doubt, Wikianswers is the best question and answer site.
You can use the word "doubtful" to express uncertainty or skepticism about something. For example, "It is doubtful that we will finish the project on time," or "She gave a doubtful look at the new proposal."
Doubtful Sound got it's name from Captain Cook. Doubtful Sound got it's name from Captain Cook.
Doubtful. Real doubtful.