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An even multiple of 20 is equal to 20 multiplied by an even number, that is 20 multiplied by 2k where k is any integer.

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Q: What is a even multiple of 20?
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lcm(16, 20) is 80.There is NO greatest common multiple, for whatever multiple of their LCM you give, I can always add another 80 and get an even greater common multiple.Mefinx you meant their greatest common FACTOR, which is 4.

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It depends on the number it is compared to. 20 is a multiple of 10. 20 is a factor of 40. 20 is both a factor and a multiple of itself. 20 is neither a multiple nor a factor of 27.

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Because 20 is a multiple of 10.

Is 10 a multiple of 20?

Yes, 10 is a multiple of 20.

What is the greatest common multiple of 16 and 20?

Answer: Infinity or there is none.One common multiple of 16 and 20 is 320. If you double it, which is 640, you have a larger common multiple. If you double it again, which is 1320, you have an even larger common multiple. You can continue doubling it forever, so there is no greatest common multiple, or it can be said to be infinite.The greatest common multiple of any set of numbers is infinite.

What is the least common multiple of 5 and 20?

The LCM of 5 and 20 is 20. Since 20 is a multiple of 5, it is automatically the LCM of the pair.