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nCr = nPr/r!

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Q: What is a general equation that expresses the relationship between permuation nPr and combination nCr?
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An equation that expresses a relationship between measurements?

A formula is an equation that expresses a relationship between measurements.

What is an equation that expresses a relationship between two or more quantities?

an equation that expresses a relationship between two or more quantities

What is an Equation that expresses a relationship between measurements?

A formula is an equation that expresses a relations hip between measurements.

Why was there a need to invent linear equation in two variables?

If two variables are related, then the simplest relationship between them is a linear one. The linear equation expresses such a relationship.If two variables are related, then the simplest relationship between them is a linear one. The linear equation expresses such a relationship.If two variables are related, then the simplest relationship between them is a linear one. The linear equation expresses such a relationship.If two variables are related, then the simplest relationship between them is a linear one. The linear equation expresses such a relationship.

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To obtain this type of numerical information, it is necessary to use the Mirror Equation . The mirror equation expresses the quantitative relationship between the object distance (do), the image distance (di), and the focal length (f). The equation is stated as follows:1/f =1/d0 + 1/d1.

What shows the relationship between two variables?

A function expresses the relationship between two or more variables. A function can be expressed as a mathematical equation or as a graph. In general, a function expresses a the effect an independent variable has on the dependent variable..For example, in the classic linear function:y = mx + bx and y are the variables (m is said to be the slope, and b is the constant). This function expresses the mathematical relationship between the variables x and y. In this function, x is said to be the independent variable, and the function destines the y variable to be dependent upon the value of x.

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You cannot represent a proportional relationship using an equation.

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2 times 4 times pi (3.14)

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The relationship between the accounting equation and the balance sheet is the NET PROFIT. ( I THINK :/ )