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How many people do you need to have in a room for the odds to be in favour that at least 2 of them will share a birthday?
(The answer is 23)
Seems easy, but requires a lot.

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Q: What is a hard question for a math teacher?
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Who will answer your math question?

Your parents, your teacher, your friend, anyone close to you, or I will answer Ur math question :)

What is a really hard math problem to ask your teacher?


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this question was given to me by my math Teacher namely ian tacsagoni dont how to answer this.

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proprotions are a subject of math that is very hard and not easy to solve and that my math teacher mrs scriven gives to me

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It all depends upon what you want to do, if you like physics better go after physics if you like math better go after math, the only person that can answer that question is yourself.

What different between a computer teacher and a real teacher?

A computer teacher IS a real teacher. The only difference is the subject matter. Anyone that teaches, be it math, English, science, or computer technology, is a teacher.

What does a math teacher want to hear from a student?

That you will try hard and keep up with your work. That you have a tutor that is excellent at math. Say that every time you come into class you will be prepared. Always raise your hand if you have even the STUPIDEST question. They will explain it to you, and you rather should ask it then not know what to do. Tell them that this year, your planning to succeed and be the best you possibly can be.Coming from a true ~ Math Teacher.

Is 6 grade math easy or hard?

Yes it is but I just have a bad teacher!!!

Is anyone in Advanced math and if yes is it hard?

I am in advanced math and I'm in 8th grade and it isn't hard if you pay attention and ask the teacher for help if you don't understand something.

Real life examples of absolute values?

if you are in math class and the teacher asks you a question about it.

How much math is used to be a math teacher?

To become a teacher, not just a math teacher, you have to go to college for years.

What does a math teacher does?

They teach math. by the way the ? should be ''What does a teacher do?"