a positive number without any decimals like 5, 10, 55546. a WHOLE number is defined as A number that doesn't contain a fraction. A whole number is an integer which has 1 or more units and can be positive or negative. Any positive integer, sometime 0 is included Example:"1, 24, 28, 500" Any of the natural numbers, together with zero (0, 1, 2, 3, 4…). The number 1.5 would not be a "Whole" number because it contains a fraction (5/10 or .5) or a decimal. A whole number is any POSITIVE number from 0 to infinity.
You sole exponents by multiplying the hole number by the exponent.
It's already there.
The correct answer is: D(45) is the depth, in feet, of the hole after digging for 45 minutes.
Every golf course has holes that are numbered. Wholly. And you can get a hole-in-one on every hole -just don't say that in front of Tiger Woods! If you are first in line, you are Number One. That's a whole number.
Well first of all you might want to try spelling whole with a "W".
your lucky if you do
The phone number of the Woods Hole Public Library is: 508-548-8961.
The phone number of the Jackson Hole Historical is: 307-733-9605.
The number pi does not have a hole meaning because this number is infinite. But this number is equal to 3,14159265; mostly seen as 3,1416. But this number is infinite and those numbers are just nearly results. No one can get the hole number pi because that person would spend a lifetime doing math in a number which cannot be finished.
yes because square numbers have to be hole numbers to be square
coz it like sex you dont know what hole you in
multiply by its reciprocol
The phone number of the Jackson Hole Historical Society And Mus is: 307-733-2414.
both numbers are the same that makes it a hole number