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There is no formal definition of a jiffy. In electronics, it can refer to the period of the alternating current cycle. In most countries, the AC supply is at 50 or 60 Hz so that a jiffy is 1/50 or 1/60 of a second.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 8y ago

A fancy way of saying "a very short time". Wiktionary defines jiffy as: "A very short, unspecified length of time."

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βˆ™ 8y ago

an imprecise measure of time, a moment

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Q: What is a jiffy of a fraction of a second?
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Related questions

Is jiffy a number?

it is a real fraction of time

How quick is a jiffy?

a jiffy is a 100th of a second. Correction: a jiffy is 16.7 milliseconds, approximately 1/60th of a second. In computers, a jiffy is 55 ms (1/18 sec). This is the length of a time sharing block of time on DOS and Windows computers.

Is jiffy one-hundredth of a second?

Actually, it is only 1/100th a second to a company who makes instant noodles. A jiffy is a 1/60 of a second. A centisecond is 1/100 of a second.

How do you use jiffy in a sentence?

I will be back in a jiffy.However, that's a bit of an exaggeration, as a jiffy is 1/100th of a second.

What is a jiffy in math terms?

It is 1/100 of a second

Why do you eyes blink without you ever think about them?

You have to blink when your supposed to blink and when you blink it happens in a jiffy. A jiffy is 1 out of a hundred of a second.

How many did jiffy pop leave on the second try?

90 i think

Who is jiffy the puppet?

Jiffy is a puppet created by ventriloquist Terry Fator, who won the second season of "America's Got Talent" in 2007. Jiffy is a cowboy character with a southern accent and is known for his comedic performances alongside Terry Fator.

What is 3 billionths of a jiffy?

It depends on what you mean. In the classic electronics sense, a jiffy will depend on where you live, as it's the amount of time between electrical-current cycles in AC power. So for the US, it'd be 1/60 of a second for a jiffy, or, to answer your question 1/180,000,000,000 of a second. In a modern computing sense, it can vary widely, since each platform defines a jiffy as a different value. In a physics sense, a jiffy is the time it takes light to travel one fermi, which is really small, 3x10-24 seconds. Which would make 3 billionths of a jiffy, 9x10-33 seconds.

What nicknames does Jennifer Jiffy Houghton go by?

Jennifer Jiffy Houghton goes by Jiffy.

What is jiffy lube's ticker symbol?


What is the algorithm for dividing a fraction by a fraction?

Multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second. That is, flip the second fraction over and then multiply the two.