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isochronic lines.

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Q: What is a map line connecting two points that have the same age?
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What is A line on a map that connects points that have the same age?

a meridian

What is a type of line connects points on a map that's have the same age?

a meridian

Who has more points Kobe or Michael Jordan at same age end of 2008 2009 season for Kobe?

2008-2009 Kobe Bryant #24: Age 30:2,896 points 1993-1994 Michael Jordan #23: Age 30: Retired So Kobe Bryant scored more points than Michael Jordan at age 30 because Michael Jordan was retired.

How do you get age points in super secret?

To get age points on supersecret is that you have to play every game like about.. twice that's how you get alot of money and age points but you have to become a member to be 13 and beyond!

What is the name of the movie with the line that's what i like about high school girls i kepp getting older and they stay the same age?

Dazed and Confused. Though, the same line is used again in the movie Grind.

What actors and actresses appeared in Points on a Space Age - 2009?

The cast of Points on a Space Age - 2009 includes: Marshall Allen

How far back is the serving line for middle school on an indoor volleyball court?

You use the same service line as any other age. It never changes officially.

How old is earths equator?

The Earth's equator is about 4.5 billion years old, which is the same age as the planet itself. The equator is an imaginary line that divides the Earth into the northern and southern hemispheres.

Where did stone age people came from?

They are in the same line of people that preceded and followed them, leading to you. Stone Age is just a way of characterizing a certain time frame based on prevailing technologies.

On Howrse what are points?

if you mean ageing points they age you horse by to months if you mean points you get in sports you don't have those you have a ranking

What is a line on a map that denotes crust that formed at the same time?

A line on a map that denotes crust that formed at the same time is called an isochron. These lines are used in geology to represent areas where rock layers have the same age or formed during the same period of time. By analyzing isochrons, geologists can better understand the history and evolution of the Earth's crust.

On supersecret I have enough age points but it won't let me turn 16 what should I do?

i have the same problem but i think two thing 1.)you have to get a more spenders or 2.)they haven't updated age 16 I'm not sure though