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A markup calculator helps you determine the selling price of a product but you have to know the original cost as well as the percent markup. You can get them online for no expense. I've linked one for you.

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Q: What is a markup calculator Where can I buy one?
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Related questions

Which websites offfer a markup calculator?

A markup calculator is a calculator that calculates the percentage of a markup. These calculators are usually on shopping websites and banking websites.

How can I find out about a markup calculator?

A markup calculator is used to work out the final retail cost of an item if you know the price it was bought for and the percentage markup (how much profit) you want to make. There are online calculators which can do this automatically for you, or you can just use a normal calculator: for example, if you buy something for 100 and want to make 20% profit, the final price should be 100*1.2 = 120.

Where can I go online to find a markup calculator for alcoholic beverages?

If you thinking of opening up a restaurant that will serve alcohol. You can find a markup calculator that that you want to sell on

How do you restore calculator?

buy a new one

Where can one buy a simple calculator that is inexpensive?

There are many places that one could buy an inexpensive and simple calculator. One could buy calculators at office supply stores like Staples or Office Max.

Where can one buy a gas mileage calculator online?

One can not and does not need to buy a gas mileage calculator online. They can simply be used for free on a number of website. One can use them on websites such as 'Edmunds', 'AAA Fuel Cost Calculator' and 'Travel Math'.

Where can I buy a bmi calculator at?

You can buy a bMI calculator at any health improvement store or nutrition center in your area. You can also get one at and

I saw a good calculator yesterday. I think I'm going to buy It or One Which answer is better?

one is the answer because you are talking about a specific TYPE of calculator versus a specific individual calculator

Is it more economic to rent a calculator or buy one?

This is a very good question but one that can be very easily answered. It is more economic to BUY a calculator because it will cost you more in the long run to rent one.

Where and for how much can I buy a concrete calculator?

Actually, you do not even have to buy one. There are many readily available free ones online that hosts are allowing one to use freely. Lowes has an online concrete calculator.

Is a markup calculator useful for a small business?

If you want to use a mark up calculator to work out the price and profit margins of selling your homemade soup, you can find some at various websites. They work perfectly for what you are wanting to do. You can find them at calculator soup.

Why HTML is a mark up language?

HTML is a markup language as it contains tag. A markup language is one which contains markup tags.