I'm uncertain about what you are asking. Perhaps the following will be of some help. y0=1, y1=y, y2= y X y, y3=y X y X y. The exponents 0, 1, 2, and 3 are the powers to which y is raised.
it means, pay attention in class...
what someone say 2 to the power of 2 they mean 2x2 and if they ask
4to the power of 3 they 4x4x4
the meaning of power in math is there are no rules in math
The tenth power in math is 100
'The root of'
10 to the 10th power is written 1010
the meaning of power in math is there are no rules in math
The tenth power in math is 100
power in a math term is when you multiply the exponents
45 can be used as a power, or exponent, in math.
'The root of'
power then multiplication
9 to the power of 2 = 81
a math question
The word power is another word for exponents
10 to the 10th power is written 1010
That would be two. Two to the second power is 4.