A mathematical investigation might be demonstrated by a situation where someone gets a math problem and tries to sort it out. Normally a mathematical investigation has a question to answer or a problem to solve. The field of statistics is populated largely by mathematical investigation. And a link is provided to the excellent Wikipedia on that topic. Surf on over and read just the first paragraph....
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wat is a mathematical situation?
What is mathematical school of thoughts
1)You must first have an introduction stating what you'll be doing in the investigation and any rules you'll take into consideration. 2)Generate some results, draw diagrams, make predictions and test them. 3)Create a table of your results and write down everything you notice. 4)Comment on any patterns. 5)Predict, test and comment. 6)Go back to the beginning and extend the scope of your investigation. 7)Try to introduce algebra into rules. 8)Write a conclusion to summarize. Hope this helps!!! :D
what do the word logical mathematical mean
Loads available on the enrich maths website
Mahunnop Bunpapong has written: 'An investigation of hurricane-induced forerunner surge in the Gulf of Mexico' -- subject(s): Storm surges, Mathematical models, Hurricanes 'An investigation of hurricane-induced forerunner surge in the Gulf of Mexico' -- subject(s): Storm surges, Mathematical models, Hurricanes
The correct term is "investigation of".
to ensure that the investigation meets the objectives of the investigation if the process in investigation were done properly and the end result of the investigation of the case is effective and efficient or a case is already filed in courts
Qualitative research is exploratory research used to understand things. Quantitative research is essentially an investigation using statistical or mathematical methods to understand things.
The prefix of "investigation" is "in-".
A mathematical investigatory project typically includes an introduction outlining the problem or topic of interest, a literature review discussing existing research on the subject, a methodology section detailing the approach used to investigate the problem, results presenting the findings of the investigation, and a conclusion summarizing the key points and implications of the project.
a valid investigation is an effective investigation i think. The results turn out to be what you had inferred.
Repetition is copying an investigation, while replication of an investigation is the results of an investigation, which is not likely to be accepted unless the investigation is repeated multiple times and the same result is obtained.
Martin D. Werner has written: 'An experimental investigation of the effects of crude oil on two freshwater lake ecosystems' -- subject- s -: Freshwater ecology, Mathematical models, Oil pollution of water
Repetition is copying an investigation, while replication of an investigation is the results of an investigation, which is not likely to be accepted unless the investigation is repeated multiple times and the same result is obtained.