A negative plus a negative is a negative because a negative plus a negative is the same thing as a negative minus a positive number.
A negative times a negative is definatley a positive. thank you
negitive..... but i have a good way to remember it...so on a white board or a piece of paper dot this make a chart like thisx + - + -so pretend that the plus sign on the left is the good guy and the negitive sign is a bad guy and the plus sign on the top is coming and the negitive sign is leaving so now you are gonna answer some common sense questions so if a good guy comes to town is is good right? but if a good guy leaves town it is bad. but if a bad guy comes to town it is bad. but when a bad guy leaves town it is good. so now your chart should look like this... x + - + + - - - + ALL DONE
its a liner function but negitive
not a whole number maby a NEGITIVE
Yes.-2 + -2 becomes -2 - 2 which is -4.-2 - -2 become -2 + 2 which is 0.
Its a negative. Depends on how deep the negative was, before you added the positive.
positive + positive = positive negitive + negitive = positive negitive + positive = negitive
Negitive is a number that is below 0.
the result is posative
I believe a negative times a negative is a positive.
-8 x -8 = +16anything which is minus x minus = plus (- x - = +)
A negative times a negative is definatley a positive. thank you
It becomes positive, same thing as negative x negative.
AnswerLooking at the engine undo the rigth nut on the battery braket till you can slide it over the metal bracket.Undo both Plus and Negitive nuts (warning watch spanner does not connect plus and negitive).Lift battrey out and replace .Connect back up and secure in place .And don't forget to set the time again.