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Q: What is a number called to the third power?
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What is a number raised to the third power called?

When you raise a number to the third power, you get the 'cube' of the original number.

Why is a number raised to the third power called cubed?

When you raise a number to the third power, you get the 'cube' of the original number

What is called a number raised to the power 3?

a cubed number or a number to the third power

What is raising the number to the third power called?

It is loosely called "cubing" the number.

What is the third power of a number called in math?


Raising a number to the third power?

Raising a number to the third power is referred to as cubed.

What number raised to the third power is 64?

Four to the third power is 64.

Is 27 to the third power irrational?

No. 27 to the third power is a regular whole number.

Is a number to the third power cubed?

Yes. "Cubed" means the same as "raised to the third power".

Why is a cube number called a cube number?

To calculate the volume of a cube, you use the third power of the length, so for example, if the length of an edge of a cube is 3" then the volume is 3x3x3 = 27 cubic inches. As a result, any time a number is raised to the third power, we can call it cubed, much as raising it to the second power is that number squared.

What is 329313.6 to the third power?

Expressing a number to the "third power" means to multiply that number by itself three times. Multiply 329313.6 times 329313.6, and then multiply that answer by 329313.6. The resulting answer is the third power [329313.63].

Is 6 to the third power an irrational number?
