A number with 6 commas is typically referring to a number in the millions, specifically one million. In numerical notation, commas are often used as separators to make large numbers easier to read. Therefore, a number with 6 commas would have a total of 7 digits, with the first digit representing the millions place.
Since each comma separates 3 place values (representing a multiple of 1000) then a 1 with 18 zeros = 1018 would have 6 commas. Depending on if you're using the short scale system (billion = 109) or the long scale system (billion = 1012 ), will determine the name of that number. 1018 in the Short Scale is quintillion, and in Long Scale is trillion. See related link.
Well, honey, no number has six commas. Commas are used to separate thousands, millions, billions, and so on. So, a number with six commas would be in the billions range. But nice try, keep those brain cells working!
A number with eight commas in it would be a very large number. Each comma represents a grouping of three digits, so a number with eight commas would have a total of 27 digits. An example of a number with eight commas in it would be 123,456,789,012,345,678,901.
To write 6 million dollars in numbers, you would write it as $6,000,000. This is the standard way to represent the numerical value of 6 million dollars using digits and commas to denote the magnitude of the number.
Commas are used to separate large numbers into groups of three digits. Each group is called a period.
you need to put commas.
A number with seven commas in it would have a total of eight digits, including the commas. For example, 1,234,567,890 is a number with seven commas. The commas are typically used as separators to make large numbers easier to read and comprehend.
Well, honey, no number has six commas. Commas are used to separate thousands, millions, billions, and so on. So, a number with six commas would be in the billions range. But nice try, keep those brain cells working!
A number with eight commas in it would be a very large number. Each comma represents a grouping of three digits, so a number with eight commas would have a total of 27 digits. An example of a number with eight commas in it would be 123,456,789,012,345,678,901.
Yes it is true. When entering a number as a criterion you type the number without any dollar signs or commas. :)
37251285 = 37,251,285
Probably a typing error.
Yes, just put in your commas (1,234,567,890).
Make sure you put the number and commas.
Yes, just put in your commas (1,234,567,890).