

What is a one sided object called?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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* The name for a one sided object depends on which one sided object it is. Most of them don't have names, just a description. Here is the simplest. * * Take a sheet of A4 paper. Cut it into strips about 1/2" wide. Each strip has two sides and 4 edges. * * Take one of these strips, put it round someone's wrist like a bracelet. Glue the two ends together. This object still has two sides but now only two edges. * * Take another strip. Put the two ends together like before, but now twist one end through 180 degrees before glueing it. This object has one side and one edge and it's called a Moebius strip. * * If you've never seen this before you may not want to believe it. To convince yourself just make one, then start drawing a pencil line up the middle of the strip. You will find that you can draw on the whole surface without lifting the pencil from the paper. Use a magic marker to do the same to an edge; you will see that an edge is in fact the onlyedge. *

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