Weight about peahen Almost 3.5 kg and length 90 cm
height about peacock Almost 4.5 kg and length 1.90 m
You just cube the height....like height to the 3rd power (height*height*height)
if my height is 157.5cm than what is my height in inches
Height (feet): 25550; Height (meters): 7788
117= base* height 117/13=height 9 is d height
Its slant height is bigger. Think of it as a triangle: the hypotenuse is always the largest side, and the slant height is like the hypotenuse.
theaverage peacock is usually the height and weight of an four year old
Peacocks have multiple collective nouns; a muster of peacocks, a pride of peacocks, and an ostentation of peacocks.
Collective nouns for peacocks are a muster or peacocks or an ostentation of peacocks.
Peacocks hate when male peacocks spy on them.
Peacocks have multiple collective nouns; a muster of peacocks, a pride of peacocks, and an ostentation of peacocks.
Only male peacocks are actually called "peacock". The female of the species is called a peahen.
No. Peacocks are birds.
Peacocks are birds.
yess peacocks do die!
No. Peacocks are birds.
Yes, there are peacocks in Indonesia.
Hera is the goddess of peacocks, so peacocks are not scared of Hera