The spelling is "prime meridian". That is the meridian from which counting begins; i.e., the prime meridian, by definition, has longitude zero, and degrees are counted to the east and to the west of the prime meridian. In the international system currently used, that is the Greenwich meridian - a meridian that goes through the Greenwich Observatory in London.
a prime #
Prime Factorizaton of 51The prime factorization of 51 is:3 X 17Both numbers are prime, so 3 X 17 is the prime factorization of 51.
It's clearly not prime; no even number is prime. It is composite.
It goes north and soouth
The Prime Meridian does not divide the Earth, it is an imaginary line going straight through the center.
the equator I don't think its the equator, which runs east/west. How about the prime maridian
The imaginary line that divides the Earth into east and west longitude is called the Prime Meridian. It is located at 0 degrees longitude and passes through Greenwich, London, UK.
A north-south line is a line or direction that runs from the north to the south, or vice versa, on a map or globe. It is used in navigation to indicate orientations relative to the North and South Poles.
A common nickname for lines of longitude is "meridians."
The Prime Meridian is the line of longitude marked 0 degrees, from which all other lines of longitude are measured. It passes through Greenwich, London, and serves as the reference point for coordinating time and navigation around the world.
Berk, west of hopeless and a few degrees south of freezing to death. Located on the Maridian of Misery.
buy stuff... go bowling in the maridian... watch films in cinimas(odean, vue)... errm sorry i live there it's pretty good but err there's alot of chav's. ;)
the exact location of Costa Rica would be 10˚ north of the equator and 84˚west of the prime maridian
The equator is the parallel that consists of every point on Earth whose distances from the north and south poles are equal. In the system of geographic coordinates that we've invented to describe the location of points on Earth, the equator is defined as zero latitude.
not prime