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Questions that require an explanation should never be answered with a yes.
If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again. ~Flavia Weedn, Flavia and the Dream Maker, ©
Because, like every test you must study if you would like to do well in the subject. I never study, and I get a D- in Math. Follow me and have free time or do a boring life people!
Your question is wrong. It should be: What occurs 4 times in every week, 2 times in every month, 1 time in a year but never in a day? The question should be interpreted as What occurs 4 times in "every week", 2 times in "every month", 1 time in "a year" but never in "a day"? The answer is the letter "e", which occurs 4 times in "every week", 2 times in "every month", 1 time in "a year", but does not occur in "a day".
Your question is so general that it's difficult to address. Passing scores in exams? These vary from country to country and from subject to subject. Why should 70% be the pass level in an exam? Probably because the exam is for something important enough for people's lives to depend on the quality of the examined. I'm a retired Air Traffic Controller and when I was studying to be promoted the pass level was 70%. However anyone who got less than 80% would be considered very weak at his subject. Most of my mates at the time were looking at low to mid 90s in any exam. Most of my pilot friends expected much the same in written exams. Would you like to be in an aircraft piloted by a guy who never scored above 70% in an exam. And if you knew the Controller on the ground had similar scores?
subject to opinion but should never be done by mortals
Indeed, why not? There is no reason to be afraid of the full moon.
NEVER! Wiki is amazing & no one should ever have a reason to quit. Its awesome GO WIKI!
No. You should never taste anything used in any kind of an experiment for any reason.
Yes, certainly, provided, of course, that the subject is legal. (He should never be above the law .)
nowhere she never posted naked
One thing you should do is pass your story on to other people, andexplain the reason why they should never stare directly at the sun.
No, the correct sentence should be "Your friends and you never study on the weekends." The verb "study" should be in the present tense to match the subject, "Your friends and you."
No, you should never give out your bank account number to anyone unless you trust them and have a legitimate reason to do so.
If the screen goes blank when you click go that means you never put an installation called UnistalActiveX
Never Been Any Reason was created in 1974.
Yes, you should never laugh at anyone for any reason.