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Add the number together and give the answer the same sign as the numbers.

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Q: What is a rule that states how to determine the sum of any two integers that have the same sign?
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Related questions

What is the rule for adding integers that have the same sign?

The sum is positive.

What is a general rule for two integers with the same sign?

The general rule is that they are both on the same side of zero on the number line.

What is the rule for subtracting integers with the same signs?

if the signs are the same you must add its opposite.

What is the rule for multiplying and dividing integers with the same sign?

i dont no heheheheheheh

What is the rule for multiplying integers with same signs?

The answer is always positive (or 0).

How do you determine the sign of a quotient two integers?

-- If the two integers have the same sign, their quotient is positive. -- If the two integers have different signs, their quotient is negative.

What is a general rule for dividing two integers of the same sign?

The answer is a positive number.

What is a general rule for multiplying two integers with the Same sign?

The answer is a positive number.

What is rule of division integers?

if both have the same sign the answer is positive, if they have different signs the answer is negative.

What is the rule when you are adding integers with the same sign?

integer multiply integer divide 360

What is the rule in multiplying integers with the same sign?

When you multiply two integers of the same sign, the answer is always positive. A positive times a positive is positive and a negative times a negative is positive.

Can a decimal or fraction be an integer?

Integers can be implied decimals or fractions. 3 is the same as 3.0 3 is the same as 3/1 As a general rule, decimals and fractions are distinct from integers.