Tetrahedron (4 faces), Cube (6), Octahedron (8), Dodecahedron (12) and Icosahedron (20).
Icosahedron are 3-D solid shapes with 20 triangualr faces. They are used as dice is many games, such as Dungeons & Dragons.
20 faces and 10 sides
A twenty sided, 2D figure is called an icosagon.
Oh, dude, a prism with 20 vertices has 10 faces. Each face of the prism connects two of the vertices, so you gotta divide the total number of vertices by 2 to get the number of faces. Math can be pretty chill when you break it down like that.
A polyhedron with 20 faces is called an icosahedron.
The regular solid, with 20 identical equilateral triangular faces, is called an icosahedron.
anything that has more than nine sides is called the number of faces, in this case 20, with agon added to it. so a figure with twenty faces or sides is called a twentyagon.
It's called an Icosahedronhttp://mathworld.wolfram.com/Icosahedron.html
An icosahedron.
A 20-sided flat figure (polygon) is called an icosagon. If it is a solid figure--three-dimensional--it is an icosahedron.
It is not a solid figure because an icosagon is a polygon with 20 sides
An icosagon is a two-dimensional polygon, not a three-dimensional figure. An icosagon has 20 sides - while an icosahedron has 20 faces.
An iscosahedron is a 3 dimentional figure consisting of 20 triangles as faces
A polyhedron with 20 faces is called an icosahedron.
well. it is called icosahedron