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Spars are the sticks which hold the kites shape against the wind. They are commonly made from tubular plastic, bamboo or aluminium. Good quality sports kites are made with carbon fibre spars.

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Q: What is a spar on a kite?
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Since the definition of spar is a pole that supports the sail of a ship or boat, the antonyms of spar are the antonyms of the synonyms of spar. Some synonyms are rod, rail, and varnish.

How do you use the word 'spar' in a sentence?

1-During the case, the judge directed lawyers not to spar with each other in court. 2-It is natural for boys to spar with their friends over girls they like. 3-The rough weather broke the sailing boat's spar and it had to be rescued by the lifeboat.

Is gypum satin spar a mineral?

Yes, gypsum satin spar is a mineral.

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two. spar-kly . clap it out, spar - kly.

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Why cant you go in the spar when you are pregnant?

well you shouldn't spar while pregnant becase i mey hurt the baby or posibly kill it. so i strongly advise you to NOT spar while pregnant.

Use the word spar in a sentence?

You didn't specify which meaning you need, so here are a couple. The spar was made out of wood. Those two will spar at each other if you don't watch them.

What rhymes with spar?
