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The answer is Density.

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Q: What is a specific property of matter related to its mass divided by its volume?
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What is a specific property matter related to its mass divided by its volume?


What matter property is related to inertia?

i think the property of matter inertia is related to is its mass.......the more the mass the less will be the inertia.....

What property of matter is inertia related?

i think the property of matter inertia is related to is its mass.......the more the mass the less will be the inertia.....

Is specific gravity intensive or extensive property?

The specific gravity is an intensive property because it's independent of amount of matter.

Is density a property of matter?

Density means that a specific amount (a specific mass) of material occupies a specific volume of space, and this characteristic is constant for a material throughout the universe. We measure density as mass per unit of volume.

What property of matter is momentum related too?

Mass X Velocity = Momentum …Since Velocity is results from a force external to object, it is not a property of the matter itself.However. the Mass is related to or a property of the matter.Therefore,the answer to your question is, the MASS of the object.

What property of matter is momentum related to?

Idkk please help !

What are the chemical property's of gas?

Gas is a sate of matter, not any specific substance

What is the property of all matter and it is directly related to how much matter or mass you have?

Could be one of two things: * Inertia; * Gravitational attraction. Both apply to all matter and are directly related to the mass.

Compare general properties of matter from specific properties of matter?

A 'specific' property is a property that depends on or is calculated based on another measurable property. You give an example of density; density is considered 'specific' because it can be calculated from volume and mass. Some other good examples are: - specific gravity - the density of a material relative to the density of water (volume and mass of the object, known density of water) WHILE There are four different properties of matter. They are weight, volume, mass, and density. The most important one is mass. Mass is the amount of matter in an object and it never changes unless matter is taken out of the object.olume is another general property of matter. Density is very important because it enables you to compare different objects.weight is the force on the object due to gravity.

Is porous a property of matter?

It can be a property of matter or a substance

What property of matter is the corn?

A corn is not a property of matter.