

Best Answer

Triangles like 30,60,90 and 45 45 90 are standard triangles are standard.

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Q: What is a standard triangle?
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What is the standard for listing triangle side lengths?

You can list them in any order. There is no standard.

What triangle describes the standard hazard marking for biological hazard?

Right isosceles triangle with a blue background and red lettering

What does the symbol triangle h stand for?

standard heat of formation in a compound.

Is a scalene triangle is a right triangle?

A scalene triangle is one where all the angles are different and all the lengths of the sides are different. A standard 3, 4, 5 triangle does fit the definition of a scalene triangle, but we would alway refer to it in the more specific case, in this case a right angled triangle.

What is the meaning of scalene triangle?

In standard geometry, a triangle with none of its interior angles the same is scalene. Recall those three angles must sum to 180 degrees. Other triangle types include isoceles and equilateral.

What is the standard marking for biological hazards?

Right isosceles triangle with a blue background and red lettering

What are the standard hazard markings for biological?

Right isosceles triangle with a blue background and red lettering

What are the standard markings for biological hazards?

Right isosceles triangle with a blue background and red lettering

What is the standard markings for biological hazard?

Right isosceles triangle with a blue background and red lettering

What is the standard marking for a biological hazard?

Right isosceles triangle with a blue background and red lettering

What are the standard hazard markings for biological standards?

Right isosceles triangle with a blue background and red lettering

What the standard hazard markings for biological hazards?

Right isosceles triangle with a blue background and red lettering