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A story problem for 315 divided by 21 could be: "If there are 315 students in a school and they need to be divided into 21 equal groups for a field trip, how many students will be in each group?" In this scenario, you are essentially dividing the total number of students (315) by the number of groups (21) to find out how many students will be in each group, which is 15.
There were 21 campers sitting around the campfire one night, and nobody could
think of anything to do. Just then, they heard a noise in the brush, and wondered
if they should be scared or not. The tension was broken when a tall, skinny figure
stepped out of the shadows into the warm glow of the campfire, carrying a large
plastic bag. It was Counsellor Mike, with 315 marshmallows all gently stuck together.
After the campers found a bunch of twigs on the ground, pulled all the marshmallows
apart and got ready to toast them, how many did each camper have ?
For extra credit, can you estimate how many Imodium each camper needed with his
breakfast the next day, and how many of them just skipped breakfast altogether ?