For point of reference
1Million Bytes of data = 1 Megabyte
1Billion Bytes of data or 1000 million = 1 Gigabyte
1Trillion Bytes of data or 1000 Billion = 1 Tarabyte
A trigabyte actually don't exist. The next byte that you would be thinking about is called a Tarabyte, and it equals out to be 1024 Gigabytes.
You may be thinking of a terabyte, which is one thousand times as big as a gigabyte.
A Admin (User) AgentBloxxer Ajedi32 Alexnewtron Amgriswo Anaminus Andythedino Are92 Armymen3do1 Atrippy B BCGames Bjdeck Blocco Bluetortoise Bridge Bspurrell Bucket (user) Builderman C Carbon131 ChelBM Christina8787 Claymore93 Clockwork Cocoawarrior ColourTheory Conix Crazyman32 Cruss Kilderstrohe Cupcakescankill D DadoMahho DalaxVanstone Daxter33 Dayren Deezle Defaultio Dignity DoctorBucket Dued1 Dylanbuider E Erikwesley96 E cont. Estebranco24 F Fangrider Fleskhjerta FoobyZeeky H Heatblast277 Her0z I IPlayFootball IronInforcer J JJ5x5 Jaredvaldez2 Jeditkacheff Justgoaway1 L Lando64000 Lava3321 Limon LittleMizSpider Lordnathan M Matt Dusek Mattchewy Mfsoccer94 Miked Mustyoshi N NFSboy Nelly97 NintendoZACHERY Noob007 Noobsaibot64 O Orange451 OstrichSized P PRG Patacorow Penguinsmeep Piedude777 Pieperson50 PlaceRebuilder Playrobot ProMovez R ROBLOX (player) RangeMeludE RobloKen R cont. RobloSam RobloTim Roblox Museum Roeblockmaster RowBlocks587 S Scoutywouty Seranok Seth7575 Shedletsky Sheeppie SinisterAlex Smokenchicken Sora9200 Sorcus Sox660 Spyro372 Sseggs Stcsean47 Steffanno Stickmasterluke Stravant Supercolin T Tarabyte TheAmazeman TheFurryFox TheGamer101 Toothy Deer Man Totbl Truestar Twannie1995 U User:Ajedi32 User:Tomtomn00 V Vaiobot Varia Vendettathegreat Vocal W Wakafanykai Warlock274 X XiaoXiaoMan Z Zamsongod