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40 degrees F is warmer than -5 degrees F.

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Q: What is a temperature warmer than -5 degrees f?
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What is 5 degrees warmer than -1 degrees?

5 degrees warmer than -1 degrees = 4

Is 10 degrees below 0 degrees celsius warmer or cooler than 5 degrees below 0 degrees celsius?

10 degrees below 0 degrees Celsius is actually warmer than 5 degrees below 0 degrees Celsius. This is because as the temperature decreases, the numbers get smaller. Therefore, -10 degrees Celsius is closer to 0 degrees Celsius than -5 degrees Celsius.

What is the higher temperature between -5° or -8°?

Are these values in degrees C or degrees F? Higher as in Warmer or colder? -5'c is "Warmer" than -8'c, as -5'c is closer to 0'c than -8'c. If this question is which is the higher, as in colder temperature then, -'8c is the answer. However the question should be asked in a different way, that minimises the confusion. Which is the "hotter" temperature?

What temperature is warmer than -8 degrees f?

-7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, and up

What temperature is 18C warmer than -13C?

18C warmer than -13C is 5C.

What is 13 degrees warmer than minus 5 degrees celsius?

= 8 c

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Is 5 degrees Fahrenheit increase warmer than 5 degrees celsius increase?

A 5˚ increase in Celsius is warmer than a 5˚ increase in Fahrenheit. 5˚ C is equivalent to 41˚F, or 5˚F is equivalent to -15˚C.