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A teragon is a polygon with a trillion sides.

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Q: What is a teragon?
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1,000,000,000,000 sided shape?


How many sides does a teragon have?

1 trillion.

What is a shape with a 1000000000000 sides called?

tera=trillion, so i came up with teragon

What do you call a one trillion sided shape?

A trillion sided shape is called a wameagon. It is impossible to see the corners in this time. Maybe later on in the century we will have good enough magnification to see a wameagons sides. I found my answer in the Complete Encyclopedia of Shapes by Megan Collie. It is a very helpful book!

What do you call a billion sided polygon?

One billion-sided polygon = GIGAGON

What is a googolplex sided shape called?

As a inquirer of shapes and geometry. I have found that the root terms of very many sided shapes tend to drift into the metric system and so which causes this... million sided shape = megagon billion sided shape = gigagon trillion sided shape= teragon It continues as such but the metric system ends around "yotta" so I don't know about an actual name for a googolplex sided shape. A "googolplexagon" would be my best guess.

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What condaments did Romans eat?

In addition to spices and honey used for seasoning, the Romans favorite condiment was a fish sauce called "garum". This was a fermented sauce and could be flavored. It is said to have been very spicy. Other peoples in the ancient world used garum too, as, in the ruins of Pompeii, garum amphora were found that had a kosher seals on them.In addition to spices and honey used for seasoning, the Romans favorite condiment was a fish sauce called "garum". This was a fermented sauce and could be flavored. It is said to have been very spicy. Other peoples in the ancient world used garum too, as, in the ruins of Pompeii, garum amphora were found that had a kosher seals on them.In addition to spices and honey used for seasoning, the Romans favorite condiment was a fish sauce called "garum". This was a fermented sauce and could be flavored. It is said to have been very spicy. Other peoples in the ancient world used garum too, as, in the ruins of Pompeii, garum amphora were found that had a kosher seals on them.In addition to spices and honey used for seasoning, the Romans favorite condiment was a fish sauce called "garum". This was a fermented sauce and could be flavored. It is said to have been very spicy. Other peoples in the ancient world used garum too, as, in the ruins of Pompeii, garum amphora were found that had a kosher seals on them.In addition to spices and honey used for seasoning, the Romans favorite condiment was a fish sauce called "garum". This was a fermented sauce and could be flavored. It is said to have been very spicy. Other peoples in the ancient world used garum too, as, in the ruins of Pompeii, garum amphora were found that had a kosher seals on them.In addition to spices and honey used for seasoning, the Romans favorite condiment was a fish sauce called "garum". This was a fermented sauce and could be flavored. It is said to have been very spicy. Other peoples in the ancient world used garum too, as, in the ruins of Pompeii, garum amphora were found that had a kosher seals on them.In addition to spices and honey used for seasoning, the Romans favorite condiment was a fish sauce called "garum". This was a fermented sauce and could be flavored. It is said to have been very spicy. Other peoples in the ancient world used garum too, as, in the ruins of Pompeii, garum amphora were found that had a kosher seals on them.In addition to spices and honey used for seasoning, the Romans favorite condiment was a fish sauce called "garum". This was a fermented sauce and could be flavored. It is said to have been very spicy. Other peoples in the ancient world used garum too, as, in the ruins of Pompeii, garum amphora were found that had a kosher seals on them.In addition to spices and honey used for seasoning, the Romans favorite condiment was a fish sauce called "garum". This was a fermented sauce and could be flavored. It is said to have been very spicy. Other peoples in the ancient world used garum too, as, in the ruins of Pompeii, garum amphora were found that had a kosher seals on them.