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Q: What is a user friendly calculator for math?
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Is the Google calculator user friendly?

Yes, the Google calculator is in fact user friendly. Google is a company that is very well known so having their features user friendly is an extremely important thing.

Is a simple mortgage calculator user friendly?

A mortgage calculator is usually easy to use. Most financial instituations will offer this calculator to allow you to work out the cost of the loan to see if it is what you can afford.

Is Wind Energy User Friendly?

i think it is user friendly i think it is user friendly

How do you spell calculator?

That is the correct spelling of "calculator" (math computer).

What tax calculator website can I put in my leaflet?

A good example of a tax calculator website is at ListenToTaxman ( It breaks down the amount of tax you pay per week, per month, and per year. It is very user-friendly.

What modern invention replaced the abacus?

The calculator is the modern invention that replaced the abacus. Calculators are electronic devices that can perform mathematical calculations quickly and accurately, making them more efficient and user-friendly than traditional abacuses.

Is WikiAnswers a user-friendly site?

Yes, the WikiAnswers site is very user-friendly.

Which software can be used easily by individuals with limited training?

User Friendly

How do you find square root of 40?

Use a calculator. There are methods based on a process somewhat like long division, or based on "trial and improvement" but neither is user-friendly.

Is Google user friendly?

Yes It Is Friendly

Where can I find a tax calculator online?

Both H&R Block and the IRS have nice tax calculators online. The H&R Block calculator is user friendly and very simple. has a calculator that is a bit more detailed, but may be a bit more accurate. Good luck!

What is the most accurate pulse rate calculator?

Try looking at, I find it to be extremely reliable. If that calculator doesn't work for you, try looking at apps for the android, or I phone. These apps are easily accessible, easy to use, and have a friendly user interface.