A negative correlation is when you compare 2 sets of data on a line graph (e.g. scores in a French test and scores in an English test), the higher one thing is, the lower the other is (e.g. someone might score 98% on the French test but only 12% on the English test (or visa versa)). A positive correlation is the other way around. A weak correlation is when there is a lot of deviation from the line of best fit (there will always be one with correlations as a line of best fit shows correlations after all) whereas with a strong correlation, there is little deviation.
the negative sign on correlation just means that the slope of the Least Squares Regression Line is negative.
This means that the correlation is negative but still significant.
I believe you are asking how to identify a positive or negative correlation between two variables, for which you have data. I'll call these variables x and y. Of course, you can always calculate the correlation coefficient, but you can see the correlation from a graph. An x-y graph that shows a positive trend (slope positive) indicates a positive correlation. An x-y graph that shows a negative trend (slope negative) indicates a negative correlation.
a correlation on a graph is when the line of best fit is positive, negative or none.
negative, weak
a strong negative correlation* * * * *No it is not. It is a very weak positive correlation.
No, it indicates an extremely strong positive correlation.
Positive correlation has a positive slope and negative correlation has a negative slope.
It means you have a slight negative correlation between the two variables of interest. As one increases the other decrease and vice versa, albeit in a weak fashion.
You can find examples by typing it in to Google. Weak positive correlation is a set of points on a graph that are loosely set around the line of best fit. The line will be positive rising up from left to right. A weak correlation can vary a lot as long as you can decipher which direction the data tends towards you have a correlation. If the points are close to the line of best fit you have a strong correlation and with a set of points perfectly lined up is perfect correlation. All three types can positive negative or perfect.
Positive correlation = positive association Negative correlation = negative association
positive correlation-negative correlation and no correlation
It's a negative correlation because it is less than 0
the negative sign on correlation just means that the slope of the Least Squares Regression Line is negative.