Not sure why it is a word problem? 13 x 42 = 546
The word increased in a math problem means you are adding to terms or numbers.
out of
the answer is order
2·3·7·13 ------------------------------------------------------------ 1x546 2x273 3x182 6x91 7x78 13x42 14x39 21x26 1,2,3,6,7,13,14,21,26,39,42,78,91,182,273,546
Some word endings for "problem" are problematic, problematize, and problematical.
No, the plural of problem is problems.
give sample of word problem of acceleration
You convert the word problem into a numeric problem and then calculate.
das Problem
No, it is not. The word "problem" is a noun.
The word Problem is not in the KJV (according to Strong's Concordance) but, 'Problem' may not have been a word used in the early 1600's when it was translated.
Yes, the word problem is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a thing.
There are 2 syllables in the word problem. (Prob-lem).
No problen is not a word, the word is probleM