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Q: What is all the real cube root of -0.064?
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What are all the real cube roots of 0.125?

They are 0.5 : it is a triple root.

Are there any real roots in negative sixty?

What does this question mean? -60 has a real cube root, a real fifth root. In fact a real nth root for all odd n.

How do you write cubed roots?

In mathematics, a cube root of a number, denoted or x1/3, is a number a such that a3 = x. All real numbers (except zero) have exactly one real cube root and a pair ofcomplex conjugate roots, and all nonzero complex numbers have three distinct complex cube roots. For example, the real cube root of 8 is 2, because 23 = 8. All the cube roots of −27iareThe cube root operation is not associative or distributive with addition or subtraction.The cube root operation is associative with exponentiation and distributive with multiplication and division if considering only real numbers, but not always if considering complex numbers, for example:but

What is the domain for 3x divided by the cube root of x?

The domain is all real numbers except 0.

What is the cube root of volume of cube?

The volume of a cube is determined by cubing the length of one edge, so the cube root of the volume will give you the length of an edge. (In a cube, all of the edges are the same length)

How much is a cube that is 8cm in volume?

There is no volume that has units of length. If you meant to write 8cm3 then the cube has all edges 2cm (ie the "cube root" of 8 times the "cube root" of cm3)

How do you find the range of a radical function?

The answer depends on what group or field the function is defined on. In the complex plane, the range is the complex plane. If the domain is all real numbers and the radical is an odd root (cube root, fifth root etc), the range is the real numbers. Otherwise, it is the complex plane. If the domain is non-negative real numbers, the range is also the real numbers.

Cube root of minus 1?

The cube root of -1 ("minus 1" or "negative 1") is -1. In fact all odd-numbered roots (i.e., the fifth root, the seventh root, the ninth root, etc.) of -1 are -1.

What is the definition of a cube root?

The cube root for a real number is the value that when multiplied by itself three times produces that number. So that the cube root of B is A where A x A x A = B.Examplesthe cube root of 8 is 2... (2x2x2=8)the cube root of 27 is 3...(3x3x3=27)The special cases are 0 and 1, which are by definition their own roots (square roots, cube roots, etc.) because all powers of 0 and 1 are still the same value, zero or 1.Perfect cubes are numbers that can be cube-rooted into an integer.These include the numbers 0, 1, 8, 27, and so forth.Negative numbers can also be perfect cubes.-1x-1x-1=-1-2x-2x-2=-8-3x-3x-3=-27For non-perfect cubes, the root includes a repeating decimal requiring rounding.

What is the dimension of a cube with the volume of 27cm?

We know that the solid is a cube, so all we have to do is find the cubic root of 27 (3). So a cube of volume 27 has dimensions of 3.

Can you have quadratic function with one real root and are complex root?

Yes, but in this case, the coefficients of the polynomial can not all be real.

Is the cube root of 30 rational or irrational?

Cubes of all numbers are irrational numbers, if they're not natural