

What is an 8 letter two-digit number?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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19 is the first that comes to my mind

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Q: What is an 8 letter two-digit number?
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n - 8 is the expression for the difference of eight and a number.'Number' is a variable, so the variable must be a letter (in this case, 'n'). 'The difference' is going to be the subtraction symbol that is in between the 'number' and eight, so it must be n - 8. It could, of course, be 8 - n.

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a letter to take the place of a number example: x+4=8

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y4p3c2f4 was mine. it must be the same as this but with different numbers and letters. but it must be in this order; letter, number, letter, number, letter, number,letter, number. just try to keep guessing using that order, that way you will finally have a chance of winning! THEY ONLY HAVE 8 LETTERES/NUMBERS IN THEM. hope this helps.

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it means to multiply the number by the letter for example: 4A+2 it means 4 times A. above your problem it may or may not say what "A" is, if it does you will need to multiply 4 by that number. if it does not show what A is you will have to find out what A is, for example: "4A=8" so to find A you need to find what times 4 is 8 which is 2.

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86 spell numbers out, last letter is first letter in next number. No cheating

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I don't know it exactly, but i think it has 8 letters and the sixth letter is P