An abacate is another word for an avocado, directly borrowed from the Portuguese word for the fruit.
first you get a pen then a piece of paper and you draw the ABAC pattern in math.
The rhyme scheme of these lines is: abab abba abcb abac.
ABAC Assumption University
Mayap a abac
The differences in an associate's degree and a bachelor's degree at any college, including ABAC are:Associate's Degrees are two-year degrees.Bachelor's Degrees are four-year degrees.Credits earned for an Associate's Degree may or may not be applicable to a four year degree.
hmm the would be binary form because the are pop mostly so they would be abac xx hope i helped
Here are some rules that can help you simplify such expressions, in some cases. (ab)c=abc abac = ab+c ab/ac = ab-c
Roses are red Violets are blue Peaches are sweet And you are too Also A small bird chirped outside My window all day long. I wondered if it knew How much I loved its song.
An ABC poem is a poem that creates a mood/picture/feeling and the first letter of each line goes alphabetically, for example Although... Bringing... Comes... And etc.
a poet can use any kind of a rhyming scheme in a poem. I've been writing some poems myself too so i know about it... there are schemes like ababcdcd, abac, abcb, ect. so there's no particular answer for that...