An abstract number is a number with no context of application to real life objects or items.
The word many, when used as a noun, is an abstract noun, a word for a concept rather than a specific number. The noun many is a plural noun.
most abstract
There is no word in English spelled 'choise'. Perhaps you mean the abstract noun 'choice', a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for an act of choosing between two or more possibilities; a number or variety from which to choose; a thing or person which is chosen. The word 'choice' is also an adjective: choice, choicer, choicest.
A written language.
The abstract noun form of the verb to choose is the gerund, choosing.A related abstract noun is choice.
There are a great number of things that can be considered abstract. These things include but are not limited to art.
3.2 is a number which is an abstract concept. Being abstract, it occupies no space and so has zero volume.
1.4 is a number which is an abstract concept. Being abstract, it occupies no space and so has zero volume.
You cannot. A number is an abstract mathematical concept and, therefore, have no length.
Mark Rothko
The number zero is an adjective if it describes a number of items or events (i.e. there are none of them).
Yes, the noun 'amount' is an abstract noun, a word for the total number or quantity; a word for a concept.
No. 0.9 is a number which is an abstract concept. It has no size whatsoever.
Because it is a number, which is an abstract concept not a material object!
Yes it is in fact if u go to the eye doctors they have abstract pictures that they use to see if you can identify the number
1000 is a number which is an abstract concept. It has no mass.
186 is a pure number. It is an abstract concept which has no length associated with it.