its the approximate number of times like a batters hits would be 1 2 3 and 4 you add them all together and get 10 then ou divide by 4 the number of numbers and get 2.5 s that would be the average amount of hits
avrege age was 44
average is like the normal amount of normal thing ;)
I stopped at 12
The average is 60.
Technially 95 pounds is no where near to the avrege weight so you need to put on a little bit of weight to be avrege
it is you now avrege about 6.5 on a scale of one through ten
Play Call of Duty.
princess rosalina's history is being a avrege American teenage girl
Most constrictors can kill their prey within ten seconds !
hi i am Anna and i think it is 80 avrege