That means that two fractions represent the same number. You can obtain equivalent fractions by multiplying top and bottom by the same number. For example, if you multiply top and bottom of "1/2" by 2, you get "2/4" - an equivalent fraction.
2/20, 3/30, 4/40 and so on.
It is the same as 54 plus 36 and both expressions add to 90
Cross multiply to see. 20 / 8 = 34 / 10 20*10 = 34*8 200 = 272 No, it is not.■
Since a unit fraction IS a fraction, it is like a fraction!Since a unit fraction IS a fraction, it is like a fraction!Since a unit fraction IS a fraction, it is like a fraction!Since a unit fraction IS a fraction, it is like a fraction!
different kinds of fraction: *proper fraction *improper fraction *mixed fraction *equal/equivalent fraction
3/1 = 6/2
30 over 100 is the same as 3 over 10
You would need to use 15 over 25.
Infinite! multiply both the nominator(top number) and the denominator(bottom number) by the same number to get a different fraction which is equal example: multiply 1 and 4 by 2 to get 2/8 which is equivalent. you can multiply them by in
2/20, 3/30, 4/40 and so on.
It is the same as 54 plus 36 and both expressions add to 90
Cross multiply to see. 20 / 8 = 34 / 10 20*10 = 34*8 200 = 272 No, it is not.■
1 half is equavilent to 2 qaurters its also 4 eights so is that vwhat you want cos i am sure that is the answer to your qeustion
78 is a whole number so it is more than one. Decimals deal with the numbers between whole numbers. So its like having 78 dollars with no change. So 78.00.