If you mean expression, then an expression is a math problem like 2 multiplyed by 2 or 9-2+3
In math best
Math is related to math because math(1) is technically math(2) itself, because there is really no description how math(1) is the same as math(2). There is only one math, except for types of math, like algebra.
Math is not just math you have to study it like subtration and addition. You use it on sheets or paper work.
a math book is were u learn math
mathematics is math math is short for mathematics
Because, if you meet a person and you see them act terribly, you would remember that right? so yeah
It is Spongebobs impresion of Mystery it is also my word for yes
What I know, they are from Lviv (Ukraine), I had been on their presentation it make's good impresion.
you should wear something that will make an impresion, but that wont make you seem desperate.
Make a good impresion make him ask u out kisse kissei speak from pearsonal experience
by showing a local NYC coustoms collector, crooked as they come, can become president.
good impression it is the part of a hospitality industry.good impresion is make good sale and repeat customers.and is also a part of basic needs
Teacher is avery very very good for the students. Her dresses of a good impresion for the students. Her styl is a good for the students. Teacher r the parents of the students and students r the children for the teacher.
You make a good first impression a girl by being nice, kind and generous to her. She will always go for a person that cares about them the most. Let her cry on your shoulder if you have to ;D xx
You usually don't have to worry about that, but dress neutrally, don't let them think that you are a certain type or they will likely stereotype you and may be against you from the beginning. Just be cool and nice and presentable.
Teacher is avery very very good for the students. Her dresses of a good impresion for the students. Her styl is a good for the students. Teacher r the parents of the students and students r the children for the teacher.
Teacher is avery very very good for the students. Her dresses of a good impresion for the students. Her styl is a good for the students. Teacher r the parents of the students and students r the children for the teacher.