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With a signed integer, the top bit is used to hold the sign of the number, so that the range of numbers that can be held is -(2number_of_bits-1) to 2number_of_bits-1 -1, whereas with an unsigned integer, all the bits are used to store the number which will always be positive and so the range is 0 to 2number_of_bits -1.

For example, with 16 bits, a signed integer has the range -(215) to 215 -1 = -32768 to 32767 whereas an unsigned integer has the range 0 to 216 -1 = 0 to 65535.

The point in particular to note is how the numbers (bit patterns) with the top bit set are interpreted: with unsigned ints they are greater than those without the top bit set (eg 0xffff = 65535 > 0x7fff = 32767), but with signed ints they are less (eg 0xffff = -1 < 0x7fff = 32767).

I'm not sure about the significance of declaring a constant as unsigned (having never used one), but at a guess I would say it's to tell the compiler that the bit pattern is an unsigned bit pattern and to throw up a warning (or error) if it's used with a signed bit pattern, eg if used in a comparison with a signed int - ie an aid to cutting down on bugs by ensuring that things are only used for their intended purpose.

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Unsigned? Not much.

When was The Unsigned Guide created?

The Unsigned Guide was created in 2003.

Can you deposit an unsigned check?

No, you cannot deposit an unsigned check.

What is an unsigned integer?

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#include&lt;iostream&gt; #include&lt;vector&gt; unsigned count_digits (unsigned num, const unsigned base=10) { unsigned count=1; while (num/=base) ++count; return count; } class number { std::vector&lt;unsigned&gt; value; unsigned base; public: number (const unsigned _value, const unsigned _base=10): value {}, base {_base} { *this = _value; } number&amp; operator= (const unsigned _value); operator unsigned () const; bool is_narcissistic () const; }; number&amp; number::operator= (unsigned _value) { unsigned count = count_digits (_value, base); value.resize (count); while (count) { value[value.size()-count--] = _value%base; _value/=base; } return *this; } number::operator unsigned () const { unsigned num = 0; for (unsigned index=0; index&lt;value.size(); ++index) num += value[index]*static_cast&lt;unsigned&gt;(std::pow (base, index)); return num; } bool number::is_narcissistic () const { unsigned num = 0; for (unsigned index=0; index&lt;value.size(); ++index) num += static_cast&lt;unsigned&gt;(std::pow (value[index], value.size())); return num == static_cast&lt;unsigned&gt; (*this); } unsigned main() { const unsigned min=1; const unsigned max=100; std::cout &lt;&lt; "Narcissistic numbers in the range " &lt;&lt; min &lt;&lt; " through " &lt;&lt; max &lt;&lt; ":\n\t"; for (unsigned n=min; n&lt;=max; ++n) if (number(n).is_narcissistic()) std::cout &lt;&lt; n &lt;&lt; ' '; std::cout &lt;&lt; '\n' &lt;&lt; std::endl; }

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