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The word "another" in the question implies that you already have one or more in mind. But you have not bothered to share that crucial bit of information. I cannot therefore be sure that what I suggest is "another" and not something that is already known. I cannot, therefore, provide a more useful answer.

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Q: What is another creative way to remember PEMDAS?
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Remember that it's only got ONE 'n'.

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In multiplication PEMDAS P= Pretty E= Elizabeth M= Marries D= Dummy A= Adam S= Sandler

What does PEMDAS stand for in Excel?

PEMDAS (sometimes referred to as PEMDAS, BEDMAS, BOMDAS or BODMAS) is a mathematical acronym to help you understand how calculations work.The acronym refers to the order in which any calculation shold be done and applies to Excel because it follows the rules of mathematics.The acronym stands for the following:P = Parentheses (Brackets)E = ExponentsM = MultiplicationD = DivisionA = AdditionS = SubtractionOne popular way to remember the PEMDAS rule is the saying:'Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally'.

What is another way of saying a product of the imagination?

Creative capital

Who is the first person invent pemdas?

There is no known origin of the order of operations or PEMDAS. PEMDAS is considered as the proper way to tackle a given mathematical expression in terms of what operation should be performed first.

What is creative selling?

Creative selling is using different approaches to advertise products. Funny commercials are one way of creative selling. Magazine ads are another.

How do you remember the order of operations?

Parentheses Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction PEMDAS Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally She is right, another fun way for WWE watchers is Please Excuse Miz's Deafening Awesome Shouts. Got this from May's issue of WWE mag and started ROTFL

When you do PEMDAS which way do you go first?

PEMDAS is math acronym that tells you in what order to work a problem. It stands for parentheses, exponents (powers/roots), multiply, divide, add, and subtract.

What is another way to say keep in mind?


what does PEMDAS mean and name some of the order of operations that star with those letters?

Please Exuse My Dear Aunt Sally Parentheses Exponents Multiplication or Addition or Subtraction. “PEMDAS” (parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction) to help you remember? Memorable acronyms aren't the only way to memorize concepts.

Who invented PEMDAS?

PEMDAS is a memory aid for the order of operations in math. The letters stand for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (to be completed from left to right in the number sentence; one operation is not more important than the other), and Addition and Subtraction (just like multiplication and division, these two operations are to be completed from left to right in the number sentence; one operation is not more important than the other). An easy way to remember PEMDAS is by saying "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally"ParenthesesExponentsMultiplicationDivisionAdditionSubtraction

What is another way of saying don't forget?

please remember