260 ml is a perfectly acceptable way of writing it.
1200 ml
The only way you can convert 75 ml to 0.75 litre is to increase the 75 ml by tenfold to get to 750 ml = 0.75 litre. 75 ml x 10 = 750 ml = 0.75 litre.
There is no way to equate a capsule and ml. Capsules some in all sizes.
3*103 mL but you could, just as easily write 3 L (that is the beauty of the SI system).
260 ml is a perfectly acceptable way of writing it.
1200 ml
They are both exactly the same. 44ltr is another way of expressing 44,000 millilitres.
The accepted abbreviation for milliliter is ml.
Instead of injecting the whole med. only inject 0.8 ml This is something very common among antibiotics orders. For the next time all you have to do is to divide the order by the amout in the vial and multiply by the # of ml that the vial has.
35.24 ml can be written in scientific notation as 3.524 x 10^1 ml.
3.5 ml
cc or ml (milliliter).
It is 325 ml.
1 liter = 1000 mL256 mL x (1 L / 1000 mL) = 0.256 L
300 ml 0.3 Ltr
You are using a total of 889 mL of acetic acid in the experiment by combining 457 mL from one container with 432 mL from another container.