

Best Answer

it is adding up the numbers with base the base ten peices like its really easy.

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Q: What is base-ten shorthand?
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The shorthand for schedule is "sched."

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"Ptf." is the shorthand for plaintiff.

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The shorthand for hope is "HP."

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Q&A is already shorthand for "question and answer."

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the shorthand for a angry face :@

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The shorthand symbol for transfer is "→".

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The only shorthand symbol I can think of for 'of' is o/.

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The triangle in shorthand means "therefore"

What is the shorthand for a crying face?

the shorthand for a crying face :'( Also, ='[ and ='( and :'[

When was Duployan shorthand created?

Duployan shorthand was created in 1868.

When was Pitman shorthand created?

Pitman shorthand was created in 1837.